We begin their new experience by making sure that our journey and transition to the camp site is safe, orderly and organised. Here, Camp Commandant, Mr Amir gives students the movement details for their transport to the camp:
After that, we began our journey to the camp. Here we see a very excited Sec 1 F heading towards the camp site. 1F Form Teacher is none other than Mr Amir our Camp Commandant with the lovely, Miss Cheryl Wong as the Asst. Form Teacher:
Our first order on reaching the camp was to set the right tone and values that we desire for our Victorians. We began with the Victorian Anthem.
It is our desire that every Victorian will be a Gentleman, Professional and Sportsman.

We have a very interesting program lined up for the boys and we will be taking them out of their usual comfort zone. However, it is important for us to ensure that the safety and care of students is maintained during the camp.
Clear and detailed briefings on the nature of the activities, the safety requirements and also personal behaviour are given to make sure that the students know what is expected from each of them.
1 comment:
Dear Spencer 1G,
You must be having lots of fun as this is your type of camp! Samuel missies you and sends his love. Do enjoy yourself, drinks enough water and take care...
Love dad, mum and 2 bros
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